Sport's Day 2018

A huge thank you to Ms Giblin, Ms Fahy and 6th class  for organising an amazing sport's day today. 6h class were in charge of all of the events and they were amazing teachers.We all had a fabulous day. The weather was perfect and the rain held off. Thank you to the teachers who supervised the classes down at the pitch all day. A very sincere thank you to the wonderful parents  who worked hard all day cooking burgers and hot dogs for us.  They were delicious and we really appreciate your hard work. Thank you to our past pupil Christopher who worked like a trooper all day at the barbeque. Thank you to Owen Curran for organising the Tug of War. The teachers beat the 6th class and then the 6th class beat the teachers and the cheers  could be heard on the moon! Thank you to all of the parents who came along to support the children today. Well done to everyone.